The monstrous undead with a hammer the size of your head has you in his sights, and you’ve found yourself standing without an ally. Your usual tactic involves skirting around the battle, picking your fights strategically. Now there is no time.
You duck beneath the first blow, keeping your Wooden Buckler between the hammer and your soft body. You’re faster than the rotting monstrosity, but in your desperation you trip and roll. Again the hammer falls, and you raise up your Wooden Buckler to catch the force. Your small shield holds, buying time while your friends finally come to your aid.
Epic Armoury's Wooden Buckler is a small, versatile round shield, inspired by skilled swordsmen through history. This 40 cm buckler has a neutral design befitting many character types, sculpted and painted to look like a wooden shield, reinforced with a round shield boss in the centre.
Use this Wooden Buckler left- or right-handed with the split-leather wrapped punch grip hidden behind the shield boss. The 14 cm handle is secured through hard EVA foam for a reliable and solid grip made to last. Feel confident that this latex shield will withstand the continued abuse of a LARP with regular latex maintenance.
All latex-coated products need a certain degree of maintenance. For this we recommend using maintenance silicone, which can be purchased separately in the LARP Accessories section. Epic Armoury Maintenance Silicone is an easy, spray-on application, 100% pure and acid-free making it safe to apply. We recommend using Maintenance Silicone on a regular basis. It maintains the latex-coat’s flexibility and prevents it from drying out, keeping the product wear and tear resistant.
Store your latex shield in a cool, dry environment. Use a simple sheet or towel lining to prevent it from touching a plastic or rubber surface to prevent your shield from adhering to other products.