I am the guardian of this fortified crossroads trading post.We repel attacks from the Outside with a determination that borders on obsession. This new dawn is but an illusion, we’re prisoners of an eternal nightmare where everything is fighting and tragedy. I spend night and day on the palisade and patrolling around the outpost. We have a few guns left and I hear rumours that some have redeveloped the crossbow. Me? I no longer trust all this technology that has so often betrayed us all. When I need to crush the skulls of zombies, break mutant heads or send the teeth of bandits flying, I have but one allegiance. I devoted myself body and soul to Bertha, a Spanner I ripped from the claws of a zombie 5 years ago. It hasn’t left my side ever since.It is the anchor that keeps me stable in this infernal river that serves us as a poor excuse for existence. The day that she’ll leave me will be the day I fall in combat.
Big Bertha is a remarkably faithful replica of a very large spanner similar to the ones we see in horror flicks where blood, gore and zombie parts fly everywhere. Like our other long weapons of our workshop, Big Bertha features a firm shape that does stands during fights yet remains soft and flexible enough to prevent injuries. Don’t leave it lying; your father-in-law could mistake it for the real thing.Weight (g): 140
Total Length (cm): 44
Staff Length (cm): 31
Head width (cm): 12
Material: None, Calimacil Foam

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